Market Research & Data Analysis Services
Mini Market Research Project
How does your customer think about your products or services? A mini market research study can give you the qualitative and quantitative data that you need to make those key strategic decisions. You can supply the questions, or simply tell us your objectives and we will design them for you.
Professional Data Analysis
Do you have a dataset from your own survey, historical sales data, or other source that you would like to have professionally analyzed? We can analyze it using a variety of statistical techniques from simple crosstabs to regression, clustering, Discriminant analysis, and many others.
Customer ROI
What makes a profitable customer? Who are your most and least profitable customers? A customer ROI study can help you develop a plan for improving individual customer profitability. After identifying the least profitable customers we can help you determine how to turn them into more profitably customers, or target your offering so as to cater more to the profitable customers.